ITS Group Consulting Offers "More 9's" and Killer RTO/RPO with Replay AppImage

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ITS Group hosts Microsoft Exchange for the SMB market and leads larger clients through Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007 transitions. ITS Group gives its customers a clear value statement: it offers greater Exchange availability than Microsoft's own hosted Exchange solution. Like all companies that use e-mail, ITS Group's SMB client's demand constant availability and reliability. Since many small companies don't have the in-house expertise to carefully manage critical e-mail systems, ITS Group provides a hosted Microsoft Exchange platform, backup, high availability, and disaster recovery. Larger clients maintain their own internal Exchange environments but ITS Consulting helps them with the complicated transition from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007, leaving behind protection, availability, and disaster recovery capabilities that they continue to service.

ITS Group had been relying on tape backups to protect Exchange data but, as most of us know, tape backups fail 38% of the time. While consulting with a large financial firm, ITS Group got to know about Replay AppImage and ran an evaluation.

It's always great when technology gives a service provider both operational and selling advantages. That's what Replay AppImage did for ITS Group. Replay AppImage delivered a huge value in their data center where it's all about power and cooling. For ITS Group AppAssure not only runs as a virtual server, but they used it to convert their Exchange servers into virtual servers to really reduce the overall datacenter footprint. Replay AppImage's ability to restore messages and systems quickly and with little effort also allowed ITS Group to grow its customer base while keeping overhead low.
AppAssure Software, Inc.
Feb 8, 2021
Mar 19, 2009
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